What You Must Forget About The Need To Improve Your London Window And Door

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What You Must Forget About The Need To Improve Your London Window And Door

Give Your Home a First Impression With Quality Windows and Doors From London Window and Door

Give your home a first impression that will last with the best quality windows and doors from london window and door. Visit our showrooms in Dorchester, Woodstock Ingersoll, and St Marys for the perfect solution for your home.

Stile and rail - horizontal and vertical members that support glass in a window or door frame.


If you own a period home or a contemporary new build frames are vital to the look of your windows. The ideal frame material is essential for your home as it will impact the performance of your window, how long it lasts, and how much it's worth.

There are a few different types of frames you can choose from: uPVC frames, aluminium and timber. The most well-known option is uPVC due to its low maintenance and energy efficiency. It comes in a variety of colours and can be finished with a wood-effect coating to give a more traditional look. It is also durable against the elements and requires only minimal maintenance other than cleaning. If you live in an area that is exposed to extreme weather conditions, uPVC may not be the best option.

Aluminium is a great material for frames since it is lightweight and robust. It also has a modern, sleek style that is ideal for contemporary homes. It is also light and can be painted in any color RAL to get the perfect fit to your home. It's not as efficient as uPVC, but it is a good alternative if you are looking for a more environmentally green alternative.

Steel is an excellent option for older structures, as it can be powder-coated to match bricks or stones. However, the problem with the conventional slim steel frames is that they are not thermally broken and therefore don't really keep out the cold. The 21st century has caught up to this, and now it is possible to have a sleek steel frame that can provide incredible thermal break performance.

Timber is a stunning material for any kind of home, however its cost is higher than other materials. It does, however, provide the best aesthetics and, if taken care of properly will last a lifetime. It is recommended to choose a hardwood that is rated appropriately for your frames, since not all woods have the same qualities. A poor quality timber could cause premature degradation, as well as rot and moisture intrusion that can cause damage to the window sashes or cills.


Many period properties have Sash windows. They are easily identifiable and effortlessly stylish, with a stunning timeless design that has stood the test of time. There are numerous advantages to choosing sash windows for your home, and they've been getting more popular over the years due to their aesthetic and practical qualities.

A Sash is a vertically sliding, two-paned window. It can be opened to allow for ventilation or viewing out. The opening and closing of sash windows is supported by a system of pulleys that are concealed in the window frame itself. They are very durable and because they are incorporated within the window frame they are able to be easily and cheaply repaired.

In the Georgian period, sash windows became more popular because they allowed in more light into small cottages and streets. Sash windows were made with their glass panes evenly split to make them more affordable. The technology was not yet sophisticated enough to allow for larger panes of glass to be made reliably.

Nowadays, there are  window fitters london  of sash windows available however the traditional box sash remains one of the most sought-after choices. These windows are ideal for those who wish to preserve the style and feel of an old-fashioned home, but also want modern features like draught-seals or security locks.

Sash windows can be either single or double hung according to the type of design and frame. A single-hung sash is opened to the bottom panel by sliding it up. A double-hung sash opens both the bottom and top panels by sliding them horizontally across one another.

You should consult an expert in window design to determine what kind of sash window is best for you. Sash windows, for instance can be equipped with a variety of hardware, including sash lifts or sash chains that allow windows to operate when they are opened. Sash windows can be fitted with a bar for staff, which keeps the sash in position and stops them from being pushed by wind or draughts.


Cills are especially susceptible to decay but they are repairable by carefully cutting out rotten timber and splicing-in timber inserts. The shape of the window should be made so that they maximize strength, while preserving the historic fabric to the best extent that it is possible. A drip should be included to divert water away from the bottom of the windows.

Oak was only used for the most luxurious homes or for the earliest examples. It is therefore essential that new cills are sourced from this wood and then primed, painted and then incorporated with a drip.

Resin-based fillers containing wood dust or timber consolidant can be used to repair small areas of damage and loss. This can be a cost efficient way to increase the amount of fabric that is preserved in repairs. This technique is also very efficient in the repair of a damaged sash frames where the damage was caused by inadequate maintenance.


Of course, the most important component of a door or window is its glass. Clear or tinted, it can add to the architectural value of the building and help to save energy through solar radiation control. Tempered glass is specially heat treated to withstand higher than normal forces on its surface; it breaks down into small pieces, rather than splintering and also reduces the risk of flying shards.

Historic glass should be protected when repairs are needed and care should be taken to protect it from damage caused by accident. Sash windows from the past could contain crown glass (a variety of flat glass with air bubbles or curving ridging) or cylinder glass that adds character and depth to a facade. Both types aren't made in a factory, so original pieces are highly valuable and should be kept in situ whenever feasible. Glass must be protected from the effects of chemical paint removers which can cause it to break and crack. In the same way, the putty on wooden frames must be repaired and renewed carefully.

The use of resin-based repair products can be used to remove loose paint and rust from the surface without causing damage to the profile or surface finish of the wood or its putty. These products can be used to correct various minor issues, including decay, rot and structural movement.

Sash windows - A kind of fixed window in which the sash opens or shut on pivots at either side, or at the top and bottom. This type of window is usually more attractive than operable windows, and usually has an opening.

Casement windows open and close on hinges on the sides or on an mullion that is between. This kind of window is typically found in older houses, and is often used in conjunction with an wing or fixed panel to create a Bay Window.

Simulated divided-lites – A grille or grid that looks like it has separate panes, separated by muntins but actually composed of larger lites with muntins positioned between them. This gives the appearance of smaller window units.